Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sex of baby prediction quiz:

I have taken TWO quizzes to find out if we are having a boy or a girl based on Old Wives Tales. How high are you carrying your baby, what do you crave, how fast is your leg hair growing, did you conceive on an odd or even month, etc? And I took a one question quiz based on the heart rate of the baby.

What did all three say we are having????

"Congratulations! According to the Old Wives it's a boy!"

Guess we will have to wait till the day the baby is born to find out. I spoke with Lindley and my friends Allison and Lexi tonight. Lindley waited to find out with her first baby and found out on the second one, so I believe that she has both perspectives to share. She strongly encouraged me to not find out and then Allison added that "DO NOT FIND OUT, BEST SURPRISE OF YOUR LIFE!" I love strong opinions.

Lexi also spoke to the amazing experience of being surprised and added: "You can't go wrong either way."

18 hours later, Tuesday April 3, 2012:

My plan now is to firmly wait. My only fear is that David will figure out the sex of the baby tomorrow on the ultra sound screen. Our clinic is so nice they even put the image up on a flat screen television! Which makes spotting a little boy even easier......too easy.


  1. I love it!!! Pierre it is then!! Or maybe not!!! What's the girl version of Peirre?

  2. My friend Katie has stayed with the girl name of Florence after she and I were climbing to the music of Florence and the Machine!

    Baby Pierre and Baby Florence (neither of which will make the final cut!)

  3. Yay for surprises! I can't wait to see that beautiful little fetus in the ultrasound pics. Good luck and can't wait to hear about how today goes. Love you! xo, Lexi

  4. Guess the test was right! Congrats on August!
