The already existing pile:
acne everywhere which I am only getting away with because its winter, bloating, belching, fatigue, nausea, frequent urination, gas, being hungry but not wanting to eat, low motivation for anything, needing to go buy new bras but procrastinating on that too!
Who wants to hang out with me!
So my new friend insomnia. I am awake for several hours at night. Last night up at midnight, then back awake from 3:00 - 5:30. I made a full breakfast with cheese eggs and homemade guacamole and cleaned the kitchen around 3:50 after I lost the battle of trying to tell myself, no you don't have to get up and eat. I called Dave at 4:15 just to say hi but he could barely talk for all the paper work he had to finish by 6am plus the patients with bullet wounds. Yes, that does seem to make my predicament of not being able to sleep seem minor.
Well, friends, thanks for listening to me blah, blah, blah! :O)
I DO I DO I DO!!!!!!! That's to answer the question "Who wants to hang out with me" - oh if I could be so lucky... sigh.