I have been reading on the internet daily about babies and prenatal care and what to expect. I get 1-2 emails per day about things I can do to be healthy and learning what size the baby is relative to something edible.
Well, I thought that with my first appointment with our choosen doctor, Dr. Leeman, that I would get an ultrasound without a doubt (you know based on a my internet research). Well, yesterday after sitting on hold for 13 minutes, I did speak with a lady in his office who shared that no, I would not be getting an ultra sound this visit, but that it would be scheduled by Dr. Leeman for another day. OOOOOOOOOOooooooo no! I have been visualizing all my concerns floating away as I see a REAL BABY on the screen with Dave standing next to me and us remarking about how insanely wonderful this all is.
Well, lucky for me Dr. Leeman really likes Dave. They met when Dave was on his OBGYN rotation. So, I took a little chance and emailed Dr. Leeman yesterday without telling Dave and he wrote me this morning, that sweet man! He said he will try to get me an ultra sound appointment when I am there visiting him and if he can't he will do the ultra sound himself!
Seriously! I like this man! And he ended his email with: "Look forward to seeing you, David and your little one!"
This morning I tried to see any differences in my belly and I lay in bed each morning trying to see if my uterus feels anything like the "grapefruit" the websites claim it should be.
Week 10- uterus: grapefruit baby: prune
Very teeny tiny stuff I am getting over the top excited about, huh?
Happy Saturday!